Music can be the thing that pulls people through tough times. These releases from 2021 have likely done just that, for those creating and those listening. Ranging from fun to feeling, this look back at select songs from the year by women across all genres is a playlist that will not disappoint.
Read MoreThough I have always held devoted reader as a defining part of my identity, truth be told, in recent years I have allowed the demands of life to steal away this part of me. In October 2019 I cast a line to see if I could find anyone willing to read a book along with me and just like that a book club took root. The next year brought me up to 12 books and this time last year I resolved to read 24 books in 2021, partly wondering (with a house rehab and later a wedding to plan) if I had it in me. The ebb and flow of life still knocked me about a bit, but I still fought to find time for this thing I love. Some months I read 2 or 3 and others I read none. In the end I fell short of my goal, but I am so grateful that I made it as close as I did!
Read MoreIn my very first Econ class in undergrad, the professor asked us what economics was about. “Money,” we answered. We were wrong. “Everyone thinks economics is about money,” he said, “but it’s not. Economics is about choices. Choices are what drive economies, not prices.”
That lesson marked the foundation of my economics major. And he was right. The price is often the last piece in the puzzle, not the first.
Read More2020 was another great year for women in music. These songs continue to make their way into my queue. From folk and county to rap and pop, women are creating top tunes for every occasion.
Read MoreWith these modern-day perils of click-bate, sensationalized reports, and screen overload, I find the commitment to reading, and reading quality, more important than ever. Reading is a way to expand understanding, develop professionally, and grow spiritually. Of course classics have their place and there is certainly value to revisiting the books of our youth. But as I push myself to step beyond my comfort zone in the work place, I should push my reading list as well.
Read MoreAs someone who has lived abroad, I am acutely aware of the benefits of having been born in America. It is true that the U.S.A. is a great country. But to say it is the greatest is putting a premium on our value of independence over the many cultures who hold community and family superior. To say it is the greatest eliminates the conversation on our weaknesses, mistakes, wrongdoings, it implies no room for fault or correction. To say it is the greatest is so painfully blind to those in our country for whom life in America has been traumatizing.
Read MoreFor the foreseeable future, our timeline will be calibrated against a global pandemic. Pre-COVID, during-COVID, and post-COVID will define our context. Our new reality is one where we have to weigh the risks and benefits every time we leave the house, sanitize until our hands crack, and, in many cases, make tough decisions between work and health.
All the while, our county is seeing mixed messages about the risks and making an informed decision can be more difficult for those who don’t know where to look. We’ve all seen the photos or posts of those who feel that being told to stay home is the equivalent of oppression. America is nothing if not the land of the free. Specifically, individual freedom. Individuals want the power to choose for themselves whether or not to stay home, wear a mask, or wash their hands.
Read MoreThere’s something you don’t know about me. Well, actually, there are a few things I keep close to my chest. Don’t worry, I am not about to hang out all my laundry, but I do think the time has come to share one particular journey of mine that our current health crisis is magnifying.
I have rheumatoid arthritis.
Read MoreFew things bring me more joy than greenery and flowers. And so, it is most inconvenient that I inherited my mother’s incompatibility with stewarding plants. I can’t even sustain succulents. SUCCULENTS. Friends will gift me beautiful potted things that they will ultimately see shriveled and dying on some mantle in my house. It’s embarrassing. And while I have promised myself to improve, I’ve only managed to prolong the inevitable by a few weeks.
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