Soul Sundays
I grew up with the concept of the Sabbath. A day of rest. A day to recharge. A day without demands.
As I have gotten older, a day of rest has become less and less likely. As a workaholic, weekends are typically just as packed as a weekday. Chances are, I spend my off days working on a side project, traveling to or from someplace, grocery shopping, or cleaning.
But lately I have been prioritizing Soul Sundays, which is just my way of setting aside Sundays for resting and recharging. To me, Soul Sundays have a few key elements. Drinking tea. Reading. Writing. Adorning my apartment in fresh flowers. A little time in nature. Napping. At least one. And a bubble bath.
I’ll confess, they are not as frequent as I wish they were. Soul Sundays are only possible through the ever-difficult but ever-necessary practice of saying no, which is a form of self-care in and of itself. Having a day set aside to be creative, to indulge in the little joys, to eschew busyness is becoming more and more crucial to having a productive work-week. It is setting yourself up with a foundation of inner peace to build the approaching week upon.
I highly recommend we all prioritize Soul Sundays. No two days are exactly the same. You have to find what works best for you. Sometimes I do yoga, sometimes I paint, sometimes I write letters to distant friends or family. The main focus is that whatever you do, it recharges your soul. You can even take it a step further and unplug. Removing screens will help you find that inner peace on a deeper level.
So let’s take some deep breaths, push the demands aside, and commit ourselves to finding that space to feed the soul.