Restaurant Crawl

Recommended by Mariah Gandy


It’s very fitting that when asked to think of a date night idea, I immediately think of good food. My Teddye and I (Yes! My husband’s name really is Teddye) are self proclaimed foodies. The circumstances of us meeting involved food and finding the best local eateries is still something we very much enjoy to this day.  Anytime family and friends come to visit we ask them what they have a taste for and we always have a scrumptious suggestion. 

I am originally from Louisiana and both of Teddye’s parents were raised in Louisiana. Teddye visited often as a child, so in a way he is still very much a Louisiana Boy! With that being said, we know good food.

To have a successful food crawl date night you have to determine your pillars. There are so many different cuisines to choose from; I suggest you narrow it down to about 3...or 5! Step one, you each choose your favorite cuisine. Your favorite food genre, if you will! Teddye loves BBQ and I could probably eat Italian for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. 

Step 2, choose a cuisine that you haven’t had in a while or one that you want to try again or give a second chance (there’s 3 or 4 pillars right there). Finally, you want to choose a restaurant that you have never been to or that “tried and true” restaurant that you are sure will be delicious; and there you have it! You are ready for your date night food crawl. 


A typical food crawl for Teddye and I looks a little something like this:

Our pillars would be 

  1. My (current) favorite is seafood. We highly recommend Jim Shaw’s Seafood.

  2. Tedd’s (All time) fave is BBQ. There’s nothing quite like a fatty sliced brisket sandwich from Satterfield’s. Their brisket is just *insert chef’s kiss*...I'm speechless. 

  3. Korean. I have 3 words. Kimchi Factory - Japchae.

  4. And to round out the night we’ll finish with some good ol southern fried chicken and fish (Mrs. Betty’s Fried Chicken NEVER disappoints...never!)

These are real events! We actually have done this before. We don't do it often and since we visit multiple places we share plates so we both have room to try something at each spot.

Good luck with your next date night and I hope you both discover your new favorite dish.


Mariah is a Louisiana girl living as a Georgia peach since 2016. When she’s not working hard as founder of Will and Work, a Comprehensive Creative Company, and Jill of All trades (Social Media Manager, Virtual Assistant, Product/Brand Photographer, and Children’s Director at New City East Side), She’s most likely hanging out with her Teddyies (hubby and daughter Teddie), sunning outside with her two fur babies, or downtown grabbing lunch or coffee with a friend or two! 

The Gandy family loves their Macon, Georgia community! Mariah and her husband own Blacts, a lifestyle brand devoted to spreading awareness of Black Reality (past and present) through the explorations of the achievements of our ancestors and the facts of our existence. They are partners in a local Farmer’s Market, Loy’s Farmers Market, which serves the food deserts of Macon and surrounding areas. They also serve on the Board of Storytellers Macon on the Resource Development Committee. @blactsapparel  | @Loysfarmersmarket  | | @ra_reezy